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GoodVibes Outreach Tour - Planetaria, Theatres, Expos

Special Festival Event Sat Feb 27
"The Multiverse & You" 10am
MOSH Auditorium
Kika Silva Pla Planetarium
Gainesville, FL

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"'The Multiverse & You' is a unique and fun program that made my audiences think about the possibility of multiple universes."
"In their multimedia program, Doctor GoodVibes and Dean Smiley talked about the different ways the concept of The Multiverse has manifested throughout human history; in science, literature, movies and theology."

James Albury, Doctor GoodVibes, Dean Smiley

"Thank you very much for educating the public on all things space science"
Edmund Whistler, Director, Bryan-Gooding Planetarium, MOSH, Jacksonville, FL
"Through the music and visuals, the presenters brought a one-of-a-kind energy with their program that our visitors will remember for years to come."
James Albury, PBS TV "Star Gazers" host, Director, Kika Silva Pla Planetarium
Calusa Planetarium
Ft Myers, FL
"Modern physics and the theory of parallel universes bewildering you? 'Doctor GoodVibes' and 'Dean Smiley' are Ambassadors of the Multiverse, sent from GoodVibes Multiversity to help prepare humans for their coming awakening to "The Multiverse", the next REALLY big thing!"

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"Using wild visuals and music, GOODVIBES MULTIVERSITY explores the new paradigm just beginning to emerge on the cutting-edge of human consciousness: 'You are a multidimensional being existing in many realms at once, creating your own reality by your thoughts, with multidimensional powers beyond anything you may have believed possible'."
"You'll be beside yourself (get it?!) with glee as you discover why some branches of modern physics assert that "you're not the only YOU!" Didn't think modern physics could be amusing? Try this!"
- Heather Preston, Director, Calusa Planertarium,
Ft Myers, FL (former NASA astrophysicist)

St Petersburg Science Festival
ASTC Conference
Tampa, FL
St Petersburg, FL

Int'l Multiverse Day

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Int'l Multiverse Day

Science Events Summit Expo
St Petersburg, FL

Belrose Cabaret Theatre
San Rafael, CA
Sedona Dream Theatre
Sedona, AZ

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New Living Expo
San Francisco, CA
Denver, CO

Cage Pavilion
St Petersburg, FL

tel 727-321-5821
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